
Portfolio | Services

Consulting and know-how transfer KI-VO

Regardless of whether you are an AI developer, AI provider or operator (user) of AI, the AI Regulation applies to everyone and compliance with the requirements must be demonstrated. The Product Liability Directive is about this and fully integrates the digital products and requires corresponding mandatory certifications (conformity checks).

eDSB and eAIO as a Service

Many AI systems process personal data and learn from it. This results in increased requirements for the operators of AI as the responsible body under the GDPR and further risks with regard to data protection or copyright infringements. An external data protection officer (eDPO) or the extended form of the AI officer (eAIO) accompanies and advises on this complex topic.

Training offers | AI competence

Every actor along the life cycle of an AI system needs AI competence (Article 4 AI Regulation). The decisive factors here are the area of application of the AI system and the risk class of the AI system as well as the end user with which the AI system interacts. Based on a requirements analysis of the required AI competence, we jointly develop a training program to build the necessary AI competence.

AI - Management systems based on ISO/IEC42001:2023

Compliance with the AI Regulation must be demonstrated. ISO/IEC42001:2023 as an international standard for AI management systems provides the foundation for managing and directing the requirements of the AI Regulation in the company.

Implementation of AI Regulation

In order to meet and demonstrate the requirements of the AI Regulation, these must be integrated into the organization and business processes. Starting with the AI strategy, through risk management to AI governance, the implementation of the requirements of the AI Regulation requires a structured approach.

Pool of experts and auditors

A pool of auditors and technical experts is created here.

Auditor training

Auditor training opens up a wide range of opportunities. Training courses including examinations are available on the following topics: ISO/IEC 27001,
ISO 22301, ISO/IEC 20000-1, ISO/IEC 27005, ISO
37301, ISO 19011, ISO 14001 AND GDPR.

Audit preparation

In connection with the AI Regulation, ISO/IEC42001:2023 is the new standard for AI management systems. This standard confirms that the company is handling AI systems in a trustworthy and responsible manner. Professional audit preparation before a certification audit is the solution to passing a certification audit.

Certification support

In the age of AI and robotics, companies are faced with both conformity testing for AI systems themselves and company certifications according to ISO/IEC42001. Expert support will help you find your way to certification.

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